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ID Name Country Salary
1 Vijay India 6000
2 Bill USA 8000
3 Kris France 3000
      SELECT    *   FROM    EMP   WHERE   Salary  =     5000    -- Equal to
      SELECT    *   FROM    EMP   WHERE   Salary  !=    5000    -- Not equal to
      SELECT    *   FROM    EMP   WHERE   Salary  <>    5000    -- Not equal to
      SELECT    *   FROM    EMP   WHERE   Salary  <     5000    -- Less than
      SELECT    *   FROM    EMP   WHERE   Salary  !<    5000    -- Not Less than
      SELECT    *   FROM    EMP   WHERE   Salary  >     5000    -- Greater than
      SELECT    *   FROM    EMP   WHERE   Salary  !>    5000    -- Not Greater than
      SELECT    *   FROM    EMP   WHERE   Salary  <=    5000    -- Less than or equal to
      SELECT    *   FROM    EMP   WHERE   Salary  >=    5000    -- Greater than or equal to